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extension memory中文是什么意思

用"extension memory"造句"extension memory"怎么读"extension memory" in a sentence


  • 扩充存储器
  • 扩充内存
  • 延伸记忆体


  • Contains information about specialized memory settings , such as address windowing extensions memory , that allow you to take advantage of the latest hardware
    介绍专门的内存设置,例如地址窗口化扩展插件( awe )内存,使您得以使用最新的硬件。
  • Under windows server 2003 , sql server 2005 can use address windowing extensions memory to further assist in load balancing its own memory requirements with those of the operating system
    在windows server 2003中, sql server 2005可以使用地址窗口化扩展插件( awe )内存进一步协助对其自身内存要求与操作系统的内存要求进行负荷平衡。
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